Calling all passionate Christian Health Coaches!

Do you want to start {or grow} a Christian Health Coach business  and just need the HOW?

That’s exactly why I created this totally {FREE} Course! 

You don’t have to figure it out alone!

Or “wonder” about the legal setup, business strategies, or which software to use!

I've been there, done that and built a successful business for close to 12 years …and I'm sharing my secrets from the Christian Health Coaching field with you!

You can do this, coach! 

I can help.


Sign up for this course today & gain INSTANT access to proven resources & support for a successful Christian Health Coaching business!

This all-in-one course includes:

Everything you need to know to start a Christian Health Coach business (and grow + serve your online community!)

  • 8+ Vibrant, relevant PDF Guides to everything from your Legal Setup to Marketing Your Business smarter!

  • Short, helpful videos to get started using the guides and applying the knowledge in them

  • BONUS material that will help you move forward in your business and make an IMPACT while generating more INCOME!

  • An invite to our warm, supportive free community with like-minded coaches and helpful experts!

Get this {FREE} fully-loaded Course NOW!

8+ Full-Color Guides, Materials & Videos to Get Your Business Off to an Amazing Start!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to this course!

    • Welcome, amazing you!

    • {12 min Video} My Biz Story with Coach Bess

  • 2

    Partnering with Your CSO (Chief Spiritual Officer!)

    • {PDF} Partnering with your CSO Quick Guide

    • Affirmations + Ask God {PDF}

  • 3

    Casting The Vision for Your Business!

    • One Year Biz Plan (PDF) to Use to Map it Out

  • 4

    FAQ's - Starting a Christian Health Coach Business

    • {24 Min Video} FAQ's - About Starting (or Growing!) Your Christian Health Coach Biz!

  • 5

    Creating Your Business Plan

    • {44 min Training Video} How to Use The Mission Map as a Business Funnel

    • {PDF} Mission Map Visuals

    • {Video Training} How to Plan for the Quarter & Month

    • {PDF} Quarterly Biz Plan Sheet

    • {PDF} Quarterly & Monthly Planning Sheets

  • 6

    Marketing Your Biz

    • {PDF} Your Branding & Message Quick Guide

    • Branding & Message Quick Training (16 min Video)

    • {PDF} Content Sharing Plan Quick Guide

    • {PDF Guide} 25 Ways to Meet & Serve New Clients

  • 7

    Setting Up Your Client Process

    • {PDF} Client Process Quick Guide

  • 8

    What you Need to Know for Your Legal Setup as a Business

    • {PDF Ebook} Legal Quick Start Guide

    • {12 Min Video} How to Setup Basics for Legal Business

  • 9

    Tools of the Trade (Everything You'll Need!)

    • {PDF} Tools of the Trade Quick Guide

  • 10

    Your Next Steps...

    • Let's stay in touch!

Grab your pass to this totally FREE everything-included Course!

8+ PDF Packet Quick Guides, Videos + Ongoing Support in our Community!


This course includes 8+ PDF Guides:

  • Partnering with Your CSO (Chief Spiritual Officer!) How to invite God as your Business Partner!

  • Legal Setup Quick Guide - all the basics you need to know about scope of practice, forms, and how to set up your legal side!

  • Creating your business plan - from filling out your Mission Map to your Profit Biz plan, I’ve got you covered!

  • Marketing Your Biz - including 3 guides in this one! Learn about the 3 Pillars you need for Online Biz Success, put together your beginner brand & message and start filling out your Content Sharing Plan! 

  • Setting Up Your Client Process - From meeting and connecting with your clients, to closing them into your services and offers, to serving them well - I cover this one in detail - so you can get coaching right away.

  • Tools of the Trade - From website resources, to books, to suggested experts and training (all free resources or very low cost!) I’ve put together my go-to resource list of it ALL. Covering your tech, your systems, and your business methods - you’ll have all you need to get moving in the right direction in your business!

PLUS plenty of videos and workshop training to complement the guides!

I want to help you do more coaching, less stressing!

This Course is a labor of love for YOU!

Your community needs you to serve them with healing and hope! 

Let me serve you in this course with helpful, real-world methods that work for my business so you can do more of yours!

What Our Community Members Say...

I Feel At Home!

Wendy Williams, Massachussets

With these I am with others who "get it" and are wanting to serve Him and others. It is a great fit and I am building on a strong foundation without a lot of extra "noise". I love Bess' overall practical, systems-based approach to business building and maintenance, and her coaching itself is so so so practical.

l am now equipped!

Lolita McNeal

I am now equipped to make my dreams a reality by pairing my newly acquired knowledge, support, and partnerships with previous knowledge and experience. I have more confidence, trusted resources and time to focus on my clients and business. I’m not having to reinvent the wheel. The forms, how-to, guidelines and unending support are readily accessible to me!

Meet your Instructor!

Mentor Coach & Founder, FRESH Start

Bess Blanco

As a dynamic and passionate Health Coach, Author & Speaker for over 10 years, Bess assists others in establishing healthy lifestyle changes using small steps to create lasting change. Through her outreach, many people have found real results in healthy weight loss, disease prevention, breaking the hold of addictions and habits, and finding ongoing wholeness in body and spirit! Her contagious spirit and grace-filled “health evangelism” touches and equips precious people all over the country. Over the years, her “calling” into this field has become one that includes mentoring & training faith-based coaches in business-building through her Christian Health Coaching Academy and Community. She takes great joy in encouraging and equipping other coaches to make more impact AND more income through their efforts! Bess stays busy as a mama of 4 (2 are in college!) and she has been married to her husband Juan for over 24 years.