Ready to learn how to effectively hold a healthy-living or habit-change Challenge for your community and PROFIT from it?
 *****Find out exactly what it takes to serve your people through a healthy-living Challenge you host!*****

Learn how to first host a FREE Challenge to grow your interest list …

… and then, a PAID Challenge where you generate income from your efforts AND grow the connection with your tribe! 

From the setup of the tech systems and flow, to the templates you need for the graphics, to scripts and content ideas for when you hold the actual Challenges…I’m giving you everything you need in this course!

This is a training pulled directly from my almost 10 years of health coaching groups and 8+ years of holding healthy-living, habit-change Challenges with hundreds of happy participants!

Once you get this Course & Template Kit, you’ll be able to learn the process for holding successful Challenges… then RINSE AND REPEAT for future ones!

This Course contains:

  • 5 Full Training Modules to help you take your Challenge from your amazing brainchild to a lively, truly transformational experience for your tribe (see the topics of each module and what they cover further down this page!) 

  • Graphic Templates - created in the “look” for 4 categories - Habit Change, Spiritual Healing, Nutrition/Food, & Fitness/Activity and each category will have a template for each one of these purposes: Social Media sharing graphic, Website and FB Event Banner, Email Banner, and FB Group Banner. (That’s 16 total Graphic templates beautifully designed in Canva and ready for you to add your own Challenge details! Canva tutorial included for necessary additions.)

  • 4 Email Templates for EACH of your free and paid Challenges (8 total) - from the welcome sequence, to the 2 follow-up emails, to the email about the “Next thing” you are offering!

  • Slideshow Templates you can customize and edit in Canva for your Challenge Kickoff Webinar OR to edit and use as a Free Workshop with your community to garner interest in your Challenge.

  • Sample Event page copy for Free Challenge - to tweak, personalize and use on your own FB Event page to market your Challenge.

  • Sample Challenge Page Template for Website (applicable for BOTH Challenges!) - to tweak, customize and use on your own website.

  • A video screen-share walk-through of all the BUDGET-version software, systems and pieces you will need to implement to fully automate your Challenges!

  • An Example Webinar (recording) to refer to as a “script” of sorts 

  • A LONG, detailed list of HOT Challenge ideas for themes/topics you can bring to your Tribe!

  • A 20+ page PDF Workbook for each Challenge (2 workbooks) to print, then use to brainstorm & work through the planning and action steps for both your FREE and PAID Challenges

  • Plus MORE good stuff! 

This Course and Challenge Kit contains literally everything you need to help you walk through the planning, execute the tasks for your Challenges, and hold AMAZING Challenge experiences - both for your community and your business growth!


What the Training Modules will cover:

Module 1

Brief Overview of the Mission Map (Funnel) and Why Challenges Matter
Purpose of a Free Challenge
Purpose of a Paid Challenge
How to Map Out Your Challenges Funnel

Module 2

Brainstorming Your Challenge (based on your ideal client)
Designing Your Free Challenge
Designing Your Paid Challenge
Using Your Workbook(s) to Plan Your Challenges

Module 3

Creating Your Challenge(s)
Setting it Up - the Tech Side
Screen-share Walk Through for the Tech
Step-By-Step Action Plan for A Successful Challenge

Module 4

Executing Your Challenge
Holding a Kickoff Webinar
Scheduling Your Emails
Creating & Scheduling Posts for Your Group
How to Know How Much to Give

Module 5

Finishing Your Challenge Successfully
How Your Challenge Fits in the Funnel for the NEXT THING
Preparing the NEXT THING for your Audience
How to Get Testimonials for the Next Run
Learning from your Challenge for next time!
How to Monetize your Challenge Further (Recreate, Re-purpose, Redirect!)

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the "How to Host Challenges" Course!

    • Welcome to the Course!

  • 2

    Module 1 - How Challenges Build Your Business

    • Brief Overview of the Mission Map (Funnel) and Why Challenges Matter to Your Business

    • {Video} Why Hold Challenges

    • {Video} Overview of How Challenges Build Your Business

    • {Video} What You Need To Hold Your Challenge

    • {Video} Filling out Your Challenge Funnel

    • Module 1 PDF Downloads {Mission Map, Sales Funnel, Challenge Funnel}

  • 3

    Module 2 - Designing Your Challenge

    • Brainstorming Worksheets (PDF Download)

    • {Video} Brainstorming Your Challenge

    • How to Host FREE Challenge WORKBOOK

    • How to Host PAID Challenge WORKBOOK

    • {Video} Designing Your FREE & PAID Challenges

  • 4

    Module 3 - Setting Up Your Challenge

    • What You'll Need to Set It Up

    • Brief Text Version of the Tech Walk Through for Set Up

    • {VIDEO!} Tech Walk Through {Setting Up Your Paid Challenge}

    • {PDF} How to Hold A Challenge WITH A WEBSITE

    • {PDF} How to Hold A Challenge WITHOUT A WEBSITE

  • 5

    Module 4 - Executing Your Challenge

    • Executing Your Challenge {3 min Video}

    • How to Know How Much to Give {6 Min Video}

  • 6

    Module 5 - Successfully Finishing & Closing Your Challenge

    • Finishing your Challenge Successfully {6 Min Video}

    • How to Get Testimonials From Your Challengers (5 Min Video)

    • How to Learn from Your Challenge for Next Time {6 Min Video}

  • 7

    Handouts (Canva Templates to Edit & Tutorial)

    • {Video} How to Customize Canva Templates

    • Visual Tools + Handouts to Use In your Challenges (Editable)

  • 8

    Graphics to Edit & Use For Your Challenge!

    • IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS on using Canva and these templates!

    • Links to Your Editable Graphics In Canva!

  • 9

    Email Templates to Edit & Use for Your Challenge + Aweber Tutorial

    • READ THIS FIRST! Instructions for Using these Templates!

    • Marketing Emails for Challenge (to sell your followers on joining you!)

    • {Text Template} Challenge Confirmation Email

    • {Text Template} Challenge Welcome Email

    • {Video} How to Set up a List + Program Emails + Sign Up Box on Aweber

    • {Text Template} EXAMPLE Daily Posts/Emails from FRESH Start 14 Day Challenge

    • {Text Template} Email for Facebook Event or Party to Close Up Challenge

  • 10

    Website Pages to Edit & Use For Your Challenge


  • 11

    Misc Marketing & Sales Aids For Challenge

    • Social Media Posts to Personalize & Use {Advertising for PAID Challenge)

  • 12

    Editable Slides for You to Use for Presentations (Both Advertising Challenge & Hosting!)

    • Challenge Meal Ideas Packet

About the instructor

Mentor Coach & Founder, FRESH Start

Bess Blanco

As a dynamic and passionate Health Coach, Author & Speaker for over 10 years, Bess assists others in establishing healthy lifestyle changes using small steps to create lasting change. Through her outreach, many people have found real results in healthy weight loss, disease prevention, breaking the hold of addictions and habits, and finding ongoing wholeness in body and spirit! Her contagious spirit and grace-filled “health evangelism” touches and equips precious people all over the country. Over the years, her “calling” into this field has become one that includes mentoring & training faith-based coaches in business-building through her Christian Health Coaching Academy and Community. She takes great joy in encouraging and equipping other coaches to make more impact AND more income through their efforts! Bess stays busy as a mama of 4 (2 are in college!) and she has been married to her husband Juan for over 24 years.

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